A modern history of literacy education

New assessment paradigms

The role of testing received intense scrutiny as its impacts upon teaching and learning were questioned.  The interrogation of testing practices led to major shifts in what was assessed, why, how and by whom.  It led to developments around authentic assessment and student-led assessment and readers involved in self-assessment at the same time as high stakes assessment achieved more traction.

The Self-Assessing Reader

Given the significant role that tests play, the term self-assessing reader might conjure up notions of readers as test takers, perhaps employing some of the strategies used to excel at selecting an answer from multiple choices or generating a favorably scored response. Indeed, test-taking ability, as instantiated in the notion of a savvy test-wise student, entails the notion of a self-assessing reader, but in a fashion that is limited. We prefer to view the self-assessing reader as a person who employs a range of strategies and practices as they engage in various literate activities—in ways that are purposeful and strategic—bordering almost on the idea of a reflective (thoughtful) or reflexive (turning the assessment lens inward to becom self-evaluative) reader. This includes drawing on multiple forms of awareness, judgemental abilities, and attitudes as they formulate and initiate appropriate engagements, and applying criteria selectively as they continue to examine and judge plans, efforts, and progress. ...

Wave of New Assessment Paradigms

The assessment of reading and literacy performance has been regarded a key proxy for judging advances and improvements in education. Those who have aspired to make education a science have viewed reading achievement as a highly valued and readily measurable outcome that could be indexed by simple observable behaviors, such as oral reading accuracy and fluency or scores on a multiple choice test of passage comprehension (Pearson & Hamm, 2005; Resnick & Resnick, 1988, Resnick & Resnick, 1992). These yielded scores by which readers and schooling could be compared for purposes of policy considerations, research or educational planning. ...

Accompanying Videos

Tierney-Pearson Conversion Series

Rob Tierney and P. David Pearson have a conversation about the issues on this topic.